How To Improve Cocoa Butter Formulas For Skin?Use Black Cumin Seed Oil

Written by ER | Oct 31, 2022 11:30:00 AM

Cocoa butter is great for the skin, but if you combine it with black cumin seed oil, you get a punch of hydration and moisture. Also, you can benefit from the anti-acne, anti-aging, and skin-soothing properties of this ancient ingredient. After all, it goes way back to Cleopatra's times.

When it comes to skincare products, natural ingredients are on the top shelf of the increasingly green-conscious and beauty-savvy audience these days. Indeed, to keep up with this eco-trend of organic, free-of-chemicals formulations, effective skincare is a must.

Hence, enter black cumin seed oil. After all, this beauty ingredient has been around Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East for a while. It was even found in Tutankhamun's tomb over 3000 years ago.

So, if you want to take your ordinary cocoa butter cream to the next level, it is time for you to give black cumin seed a try, especially if you suffer from dry skin, acne, eczema, psoriasis, dark spots, or just want your face to look like no time has passed.

What is Black Cumin Seed Oil?

Black cumin seeds are also known as black caraway and “Kalonji”. They come from a plant named Nigella sativa that grows mainly in Western Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe.

Its tiny dark seeds owe their biological activity to the presence of a compound named thymoquinone, although it is also rich in other vitamins and antioxidants. 

So, black cumin seeds not only have cosmeceutical applications but have found a niche in alternative medicine for treating several diseases, including cancer.

The “Three A´s” Black Elixir

Black cumin seeds have been used for a long time thanks to their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-aging properties.

These magical seeds are excellent for treating many skin conditions, from acne, psoriasis, eczema, and wounds. So, let's dive into its many applications.

The thymoquinone in black cumin seeds shows important bactericidal activity that inhibits the growth of acne-causing bacteria (S.aureus and P.acnes).  

Its anti-inflammatory strength is comparable to benzoyl peroxide, a widely used acne treatment for comedones, pustules, and papules.

Indeed, black cumin seeds oil can effectively balance your sebum production, unclogging pores and diminishing acne lesions.

Also, thymoquinone is a potent antioxidant, preventing oxidative damage due to free radicals. Hence, black cumin seeds accelerate wound healing due to anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory mechanisms yet to be established.

These properties make it useful in treating eczema, reducing skin irritation, and even improving the skin's barrier function.

Furthermore, this black elixir of youth increases collagen formation, reducing fine lines and wrinkles. This property, paired with its moisturizing effect, is responsible for a smoother, younger-looking complexion.

Other Benefits of Black Cumin Seed Oil

Psoriasis is a skin disease secondary to abnormal hyperproliferation of keratinocytes (skin cells). In this context, black cumin seeds are an excellent antipsoriatic drug, restoring skin cell balance thanks to their anti-proliferative properties.

Also, black cumin seeds are not only good for fading hyperpigmentation; they are an effective treatment for vitiligo, a hypopigmentation disorder. 

Indeed, N.sativa oil is excellent in decreasing the size of lesions thanks to its ability to increase the intensity and dispersion of melanin (the pigment responsible for the skin's complexion) within the skin.

Finally, black cumin seed's oil benefits are not limited to the skin; it is widely used as a hair loss remedy. When combined with coconut oil, N.sativa promotes hair growth and reduces hair fallout.

Cocoa Butter and Black Cumin Seed Oil; A Match Made in Heaven

As with most facial oils, you can incorporate black cumin seed oil as the last step of your skincare routine. You can take a few drops (a little goes a long way), warm them up in the palm of your hands, and gently apply them on your skin using a pressing motion.

However, when this powerful ingredient is already added to cocoa butter creams and lotions, you can get the best of both worlds. There are different suppliers of black cumin seed oil and cocoa butter.

Cocoa butter is an excellent humectant and emollient. And, the black seed cumin oil will help to lock in the moisture thanks to its occlusive properties. 

Indeed, Black cumin seed oil can effectively decrease transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and take hydration to the next level.

The Takeaway

Black cumin seeds- also referred to as Hab al-Barakah or blessed seeds- have been used for centuries to treat many diseases, from asthma to eczema and hypertension. 

These tiny black seeds, more than ever, are finding wide cosmeceutical applications with multiple benefits beyond adding extra hydration. So, do not hesitate to add this miracle oil to your cocoa butter formulation!