List of ceramides: What to use in cosmetic formulations?

List of ceramides: What to use in cosmetic formulations?


Ceramides can be found in food and in nature, but they're also used in cosmetics. There are many different types of ceramides, but only a few are used in cosmetic formulations.

Main ceramides in cosmetic formulations

  • Ceramide 1

  • Ceramide 3

  • Ceramide 6

Ceramide I

Ceramide I is a lipid molecule found in the stratum corneum (outermost layer) of the skin. It helps to maintain the skin barrier, which protects your body against harmful outside elements such as bacteria and pollutants.

It is the most well-known ceramide among consumers, due to its popularity in cosmetic formulations.

Ceramide 3

Ceramide 3 is a type of ceramide, a lipid molecule that makes up the outer layer of the skin. Ceramides are lipids (fats) that act as a skin barrier by forming a protective layer on top of your skin. 

They help keep moisture in and irritants out, which helps keep your skin looking youthful and healthy. They also help maintain the “waterproofing” function of your natural oils so they don't evaporate too quickly—this makes them important for keeping pores unclogged!

It is also one of the most important ceramides for skin health since it helps support barrier function—if you have oily or acne-prone skin, this will be especially helpful as it supports hydration without overloading on oiliness or shine; if you have dry or sensitive skin, this will help restore moisture to keep your complexion bright and smooth instead of dull and flaky after cleansing.

Ceramide 6

Ceramides are, in fact, a type of lipid molecule that is found in the stratum corneum. Ceramide 6 is one type of ceramide that can be used as an active ingredient in cosmetic formulations.

Ceramide 6 is a natural barrier lipids and therefore plays an important role in maintaining the skin’s moisture levels. The most common use for this ingredient is to improve dry skin conditions like atopic dermatitis or eczema by restoring barrier function and improving hydration levels.

Ceramides are lipid molecules

Ceramides are lipid molecules. They're part of the cell membrane and help determine how permeable it is to water and ions within the body. In other words, they play a role in keeping cells hydrated.

What's more, ceramides can be found in many natural products like the skin oil lipids that make up your stratum corneum (the outermost layer of skin) or lathers that are responsible for creating foam bubbles when you look at them under a microscope.

When you have healthy ceramides, you can expect:

  • A more flexible, plump, and smooth-looking epidermis.

  • Fewer visible fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Greater resistance to dehydration and irritation from harsh environmental factors like sun exposure or even just being out in cold weather for too long on a windy day (which is brutal if you're not prepared!).


Ceramosides™ is a unique combination of ceramides 1, 3, and 6 from SEPPIC.

Ceramosides™ is created from the fermentation of plant matter by an amicrobe called Pseudozyma aphidis (formerly known as Cryptococcus). It helps maintain the skin’s hydration barrier and reduces transepidermal water loss (TEWL).

How will Ceramides benefit your cosmetic formulations?

Ceramides are waxy lipids that exist naturally in human skin and makeup about 50% of its natural lipids (the other half is made up of fats).

These lipids help maintain the water content of the skin by forming a barrier between cells, keeping out moisture, and preventing loss through evaporation. Ceramides also contribute to cellular cohesion, which aids in preventing transepidermal water loss—the process by which moisture is lost through the outer layer of the epidermis (or “skin”).


The Takeaway

Ceramosides™ is a potent ingredient that offers significant benefits in skincare formulations. Its ability to restore the skin's barrier function, increase hydration levels, and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles make it an essential component of any anti-aging product.

The ingredient's efficacy has been clinically demonstrated, and it has been shown to improve the skin's moisture content and elasticity. Furthermore, its compatibility with a wide range of cosmetic ingredients makes it easy to incorporate into skincare formulations.

With its proven ability to rejuvenate the skin, Ceramosides™ is a must-have ingredient for anyone seeking to create effective and innovative anti-aging skincare products.

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