Versatile Spherical Powder for Skincare. Use Gransil PSQ

Versatile Spherical Powder for Skincare. Use Gransil PSQ

Spherical powders for skincare products are made of silicones, not to be confused with silicon, the chemical element listed in the periodic table. These tiny little wonders have countless applications and are on the top shelf of functional actives added to skincare products and cosmetics.

Have you ever used a cream or foundation that spreads super easily across the skin with a soft finish? And on top of that, it's not greasy, sticky, or heavy? Silicones are behind that elegant, silky feel.

Spherical silicone powders can give your skin a hydrated and dewy appearance. Also, silicone can fill in fine lines and wrinkles, giving you a nice soft-focus effect. 

So, do you want a product that combines aesthetics with excellent performance? Gransil PSQ goes a step further, combining a nice touch and smoothing properties with the ability to act as an emollient, keeping your skin hydrated.

What Are Silicones?

Silicones are synthetic (man-made) polymers with a long chain of repeating units of siloxane made up of elemental silicon plus oxygen. Hence, silicones are also known as polysiloxanes. 

Among silicones used in skincare products and the cosmetic industry are cyclopentasiloxane, cyclohexasiloxane, dimethicone, and polymethylsilsesquioxane.

Polymethylsilsesquioxane, present in Gransil PSQ, is mainly used to improve skin aesthetics; therefore, it is an excellent addition to makeup and anti-aging formulations.

Why Are Silicones Used In Skincare Products?

Silicones are known for improving many skincare products' texture, appearance, and functionality.

Polymethylsilsesquioxane is essentially microspheres of different sizes, which results in a texturizing powder. This presentation creates a ball-bearing effect that increases lubricity when the tiny microspheres roll around on the skin's surface.   

Hence, polymethylsilsesquioxane is a synonym of great spreadability in skincare products giving an extra slip and soft touch. So, you get silkiness and functionality in one active!

Silicone as a Film-Forming and Filler Agent

Silicone powders in creams and lotions form a thin and invisible film on the skin's surface. It is non-greasy and non-sticky to the touch and provides a non-tightening feeling. 

However, do not be mistaken; your skin won't be suffocated or harmed in any way, as many have advocated, spreading misleading information.

According to scientific research, even though this silicone-containing film is water-repellent, it allows oxygen and other important gasses to pass freely so your skin can breathe! 

These water-resistant properties are extremely useful in water-proof cosmetics, such as eye shadows, and sunscreens (it is UV resistant, too). But rest assured, silicone won't clog your pores or block your natural oil secretion. It is not comedogenic or unsafe for topical use.

To put the cherry on top, silicone powders are key ingredients in anti-aging products. They lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, thanks to their filler properties when used in emulsions.

So, when it comes to silicone, it is a versatile and highly effective ingredient that goes well beyond a nice feel to the touch. It can actually make your skin look smoother, moist, and supple.

Use Gransil PSQ, The Best Silicone Spherical Powder In The Market!

Gransil PSQ is a polymethylsilsesquioxane spherical powder that gives a silky touch to skincare and cosmetic formulations. It is a great texture enhancer while improving the best features of any silicone powder - talk about leveling up!

Of course, Gransil PSQ combines smoothness, lubricity, softness, and a dry touch! This is not an easy task since a moisturizer effect often comes with an annoying greasy finish. 

However, Gransil PSQ provides a non-sticky, water-repellent effect that comes in handy in many skincare and cosmetic formulations, including sunscreens and hair products.

Gransil PSQ offers great performance benefits due to their different grade of particle sizes and surface properties, including shape, porosity, and distribution area. 

The microspheres used in pressed powders can significantly reduce pigment agglomeration, lowering the whitening effect. Also, they act as a pigment enhancer, especially in eye shadows.

Polymethylsilsesquioxane microspheres can improve the product's adherence to the skin while retaining a creamy feel during application. Thanks to Gransil PSQ, cosmetics with long-lasting effects, non-transferable, enriched pigmentation, with a comfortable feel on the lips and skin are a reality!

A great plus is that Gransil PSQ microspheres have oil absorption properties that limit that awful "shine" at the end of the day for oily skin types. Also, it reduces the tackiness and greasy-skin feeling of sunscreens and even can help with the dreaded whitening phenomenon.

Finally, foundations and concealers with Gransil PSQ display anticaking, mattifying, and non-greasy properties.

Gransil PSQ Soft-Focus Effect

Gransil PSQ uses top-notch soft-focus technology to create an optical blurring effect, diminishing fine lines and hiding wrinkles. Yes, you hear it right! Gransil PSQ uses physics for the sake of beauty.

When light strikes the skin surface, some will be reflected, another percentage is absorbed, and the rest is transmitted or scattered. These basic principles are essential to understand the optical phenomenon behind the soft-focus effect.

The silicone microspheres act as an opacifying agent and have minimal light absorption, allowing the reflected light to be evenly distributed. This translates into reduced contrast and fewer skin imperfections, essential in anti-aging creams and makeup foundations.

When using Gransil PSQ- the best silicone spherical powder on the market- your skin will look flawless thanks to its wrinkle and pore-concealing effect.

The Breakdown

Gransil PSQ really takes silicone powders to the next level. It improves the texture of formulations and turns your skin into a smooth canvas free of imperfections. 

However, Gransil PSQ is not used only for aesthetics, filler properties, or soft-focus effect. This product also gives you healthy and hydrated skin!

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