What Are Great PEG-Free Emulsifiers? Have You Tried GreenWax™ G?

What Are Great PEG-Free Emulsifiers? Have You Tried GreenWax™ G?

PEG-Free emulsifiers fall in the same land of new natural and eco-friendly ingredients that are filling the market these days And no, they are not just hype. Behind every preservative-free, paraben-free, or any other "free-of" product, there is a valid reason, and the market is willing to fulfill the consumer's demand for greener products.

Eco-friendly ingredients are not just a marketing strategy, even though you must be aware of a great amount of greenwashing. They are the solution to an increasingly educated and eco-friendly audience pleading for natural products.

And even though "natural" is good, it should also be a synonym for "effectiveness"; otherwise, there is not much point in changing an entire product formulation if it is going to fall short of expectations.

So, in the search for a natural and effective substitute for PEG emulsifiers, come PEG-Free emulsifiers, such as GreenWaxTMG. This is an emulsifying mixture with excellent performance and additional self-preserving properties. Want to find out more? Keep reading.

First of All, What Are PEG-Emulsifiers?

"PEG" is an acronym that stands for Polyethylene Glycol (PEG). It is also known as Polyoxyethylene (POE) or Polyethylene Oxide (PEO).

PEG is produced from refining petroleum (mineral oil) and coal or natural gas. This synthetic polymer and its many ester derivatives are mostly used as emulsifiers in personal care, skincare and cosmetics products.

Indeed, PEGs have a long history of usage and many applications. In cosmetics, PEGs are used as solvents and emulsifiers, helping to mix immiscible substances such as oil and water, creating more homogeneous end-products.

PEGs can act as emollients, humectants, and moisturizing agents, attracting water and retaining skin moisture. Additionally, they are texture and consistency enhancers (rheology modifiers) and surfactants, improving a formula's performance.

Also, PEGs can act as antistatic agents, which is especially handy for certain hair care products. And it doesn't stop there. Polyethylene glycol is also used as a coating agent and food additive in the Food Industry.

Finally, the pharmaceutical industry and Oncology and Regenerative Medicine widely recognize PEG's uses. Their laxative properties, wound healing potential, and ability to prevent colorectal cancer are well-researched and documented.

The Problem With PEG Emulsifiers: Health Concerns

Even though there is no current evidence of PEGs toxicity at levels present in cosmetics, they are in the spotlight due to the potential contamination with 1,4 dioxane and Ethylene Oxide.

According to The International Agency for Research on Cancer, these byproducts left during the manufacturing of PEGS are considered human carcinogens.

Actually, 1,4 dioxane is dangerous above certain levels, with recommended maximum trace levels below ten parts per million (0.001%) in the end products. 

And, even though manufacturers comply with level restrictions and closely monitor the purity of PEGs, doubt and fear remain among consumers regarding its possible danger to health.

Indeed, PEG's possible reprotoxic effects at high doses and after prolonged exposure are called into question. 

Also, even though excipient allergies and dermatitis to PEGs are rare, they can lead to severe complications and are being increasingly recognized.

PEG-Free Emulsifiers: The Beginning of A New Eco-Friendly Era

Although PEG emulsifiers are widespread today, they have a huge downside (besides the health concerns), one that wasn't such just a few years ago.

PEG emulsifiers are synthetic and mineral oil-based. Hence, they are not natural or sustainable in any way. That makes PEG emulsifiers the subject of controversy and public debate in this era of certified natural cosmetics. 

The PEG manufacturing process, including the ethoxylation, is complex and damaging to the environment. And even though they are not toxic to the environment, the low biodegradability of PEGs is also an issue. 

Indeed, cosmetics that contain PEG emulsifiers often make their way to rivers and oceans through the wastewater system- in pure, untreated form-when, consumers rinse-off cosmetic products in the sink or while taking a shower.

Remember that being natural is not enough for a product to be considered sustainable and eco-friendly. 

Raw materials are a prerequisite, but no contamination during the manufacturing process is a must, right to disposal of the products container.

Hence, sustainability covers every step of production and the economic and social impact of the product at hand. The latter refers to the audience's perception of a product.

So, to address the increasing environmental awareness of consumers, cosmetics manufacturers are now looking for raw materials and natural alternatives to PEG emulsifiers that are both effective and eco-friendly.

GreenWax™ G; A Powerful Trifecta of PEG-Free Emulsifiers

GreenWaxTM G is a natural, emulsifying mixture of PEG-free ingredients that provides excellent stability to O/W (oil in water) products. It is used to create a variety of formulas, from lotions to rich night creams with a non-greasy finish. 

GreenWaxTM is made of Glyceryl Stearate Citrate, Cetearyl Alcohol, and Glyceryl Caprylate. With this emulsifying blend, you can create alcohol-free formulas with self-preservative boosting properties.

Glyceryl Stearate Citrate: Emulsifier and Stabilizer

Glyceryl Stearate Citrate is a diacylglycerol from a vegetable-derived glycerin molecule esterified with a vegetable fatty acid (stearic acid) combined with citric acid. 

Manufacturing comes from fully refined vegetable oils purified by deodorization to remove pesticide residues. So, this ingredient is usually plant-derived, although it can also be synthetic.

Glyceryl Stearate Citrate present in GreenWaxTM G is entirely natural and is used as an emulsifier, emollient, and stabilizer ingredient. It helps to keep immiscible ingredients mixed and extends the product’s shelf life by preventing crustiness and dryness.

Also, Glyceryl Stearate Citrate helps the skin retain its moisture and softness. This is not surprising as it comes from glycerin, a known powerful humectant.

Additionally, the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel considers this ingredient safe and non-sensitizing.

Cetearyl Alcohol; Not The Typical Drying Alcohol

Cetearyl Alcohol is an excellent emulsifier and emollient. It is considered a "fatty alcohol" derived from the coconut palm tree and the oil palm. And even though it used to be harvested from dolphins and whales, it can now be synthetically made.

This ingredient comes from the combination of Stearyl Alcohol and Cetyl Alcohol, both fatty alcohols. It is a white, waxy substance, completely insoluble in water but soluble in alcohols and oils. 

Cetearyl Alcohol is a common ingredient in many formulas, from lotions to moisturizers, to creams and hair products. It is entirely different from common rubbing alcohol and ethanol, though.

Fatty alcohols are known for their emollient and hydrating abilities. Due to their chemical structure, they are able to trap water and retain skin moisture. Hence, this ingredient won't dry out your skin.

So, the Cetearyl Alcohol present in GreenWaxTM G is an excellent emulsifier that can keep formulations stable, rich, and thick while nourishing the skin. Also, it is safe to use in cosmetic products.

Glyceryl Caprylate; A Natural Preservative Enhancer

Glyceryl Caprylate is an ester of glycerin and the coconut-derived fatty acid known as caprylic acid. It is used as a co-emulsifier

Glyceryl Caprylate is a multifunctional plant-based ingredient that acts as a natural preservative. It shows a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity against yeast and bacteria in a broader pH range compared to other preservatives. 

So, GreenWaxTM G is a great addition when it comes to self-preserving cosmetics or formulations free of traditional preservatives that are now recognized as skin irritants and sensitizers.

Also, this ingredient is an excellent emollient and moisturizer that helps maintain the balance of moisture in the skin, restoring skin lipids and increasing the adsorption of oil components.

On top of its excellent antimicrobial efficacy, Glyceryl Caprylate possesses potential anti-acne activity that is worth nothing for future applications. Also, it is deemed safe and non-sensitizing at the concentrations used in cosmetics.


The Takeaway: Switch to PEG-Free Cosmetics and Use GreenWax™ G!

GreenWaxTM G combines the power of three natural emulsifiers with additional benefits beyond keeping a formula stable.

With GreenWaxTM G, you also get the hydrating power of Glyceryl Stearate Citrate, the antimicrobial activity of Glyceryl Caprylate, and the softness given by Cetearyl Alcohol.

This product combines effectiveness, versatility, functionality, and sustainability in one powerful emulsifying blend!

So, from now on, when purchasing cosmetics, read the back label and stay away from PEG emulsifiers. Instead, choose products with GreenWaxTM G, the perfect blend of PEG-Free emulsifiers for healthier and more eco-friendly cosmetic formulas.

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