What Biodegradable glitter can I use? Is Bioglitter Pure the solution?

Written by Joel farres | Apr 20, 2021 5:57:56 PM

We are walking into a new era of biodegradable glitter. The new and improved, eco-friendly version of regular glitter. This may seem like an uneventful achievement since glitter is so tiny and "harmless." But, no matter how small it may be, we don't want it to litter our green-conscious, and neither should you. So, that's why you should use BioglitterTM Pure instead.


These are times when terms like eco-friendlyclean beauty, and eco-credentials are a must and not an exception. Indeed, there is an increasing demand for biodegradable products, and glitter does not escape this reality. 

After all, glitter is essentially plastic in its most small and dangerous presentation from the get-go. So, it was only a matter of time before the glitter lovers could get their hands on a naturally biodegradable sparkle.

Indeed, the glitter that we use for beautiful makeup or elaborate showy trinkets and decorations is a real hazard to the environment; even though it looks pretty, shiny, and completely harmless. 

However, now there is a new option in the market: BioglitterTM Pure, which shouldn't be mistaken for phony green glitters. So, keep reading to find out why you should use BioglitterTM Pure instead and how you can set it apart from fake self-proclaimed biodegradable glitters.

The Microplastics Problem Is Not Going Anywhere

Traditional glitter is essentially plastic and a synonym of pollution. Most glitters are made of a plastic core of polyester PET film, coated with aluminum for an extra spark. So it is plastic, metal, and glass all in one. 

Glitter can find its way into the drain from bathing, washing up rinse-off glitter products, or washing clothing. Then, after water treatment, it can end up in our lakes, rivers, and oceans as part of marine plastic litter known as microplastic. 

Microplastics, which take their name because they measure less than five millimeters in length, are found throughout the world's oceans, from the waters to the seafloor. The worst part is that they can take more than a hundred years to degrade, are impossible to separate from the rest of the trash, and can't even be recycled.

Also, they are consumed by a wide variety of sea life, from plankton, fish, and shellfish to seabirds. Plastic pieces enter the food chain and collect in birds' stomachs, blocking their gastrointestinal systems, and causing them to die of starvation. 

Should We Give Up Glitter to Save the Oceans?

In the US, the Microbead-Free Waters Act 2015 prohibited intentionally-added microbeads in rinse-off personal care products by July 2017. The same law banned cosmetics sales containing microbeads from July 2018, and over-the-counter drugs containing plastic particles as of July 2019. 

Several other countries followed suit quickly and banned microbeads from rinse-off cosmetics, including France, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, India, Sweden, and Taiwan.

Microbeads are considered microplastics, so an outspoken cry for banning glitter could be on the horizon. However, before resorting to drastic measures, perhaps it would be better to promote responsible product use and develop environmentally safe options.

So, even though plastic glitter makes a small contribution to overall microplastic pollution, some say that is less than 1% of the total, it still contributes. Hence the urge to find environmentally safe products with less impact on the planet.

What Is BioglitterTM?

Bioglitter™ is an environmentally safe glitter made with a cellulose-based biodegradable film instead of a plastic core. It was developed to be an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic glitter, offering almost the same benefits without hurting the planet.

  • It is primarily made from eucalyptus hardwoods sourced from responsible plantations operating following PEFC standards.

  • It uses a unique biodegradable film with renowned eco-credentials that degrades under natural conditions.

  • Even though it is not holographic, it has a soft iridescent effect.

BioglitterTM Pure Is Your Go-To Sustainable Shine

Bioglitter™ has two main lines of eco-friendly biodegradable glitter-- Bioglitter Sparkle and Bioglitter Pure. 

The Sparkle line is 92% plastic-free and biodegrades up to 87% in a month. It comes with a thin coating of aluminum to reflect color and add shine. Also, it is not toxic and contains less than 0.1% aluminum.

On the other hand, Bioglitter™ Pure was introduced in 2018 as the first 100% plastic-free (and aluminum-free) biodegradable glitter in the world. It has also won the gold award for innovation at 'In-Cosmetics Global' in 2018 and the 'Green and Sustainable' 2019 award at PCHI China, one of Asia's most prestigious personal care trade shows.

Bioglitter™ PURE has the same cellulose core as Bioglitter™ SPARKLE, but with a natural coating made with ethically sourced mica from the United States. It degrades about 92% in 28 days.

Additionally, Bioglitter™ PURE has other benefits:

  • GMO-free. It was not created with genetic engineering.

  • Cruelty-free. Neither BioglitterTM Pure nor its ingredients are tested on animals.

  • CMR free. It is not a hazard to human health. It is not carcinogenic or mutagenic.

  • Allergen-free. It does not contain the most common allergens declared by the FDA.

  • Non-toxic. It does not contain poisonous substances, including heavy metals. BioglitterTM Pure does not contain aluminum which makes it fit for use on lips and makeup.

  • FDA approved to use on the skin and lips.

  • 30%-40% softer than conventional glitter. This makes it very friendly for application on the skin.

Although Bioglitter™ PURE lacks a reflective aluminum layer and therefore is less brilliant than Bioglitter™ SPARKLE, it offers a natural' (soft iridescent) and opalescent (mother of pearl) effects.

Beware of False Green Biodegradable Glitter Claims!

Bioglitter™ PURE is certified OK Biodegradable WATER by TÜV (Austria), making it the world's first independently certified freshwater biodegradable glitter. 

Bioglitter™ is scientifically proven to biodegrade in natural environments just like a leaf would. It eventually turns into carbon dioxide, water, and biomass, with the help of heat and bacteria, though the speed may vary depending on natural conditions. However, in water and bacteria-free environment, BioglitterTM is 100% durable. 

The OK biodegradable WATER certification cuts through the confusion some consumers may have, especially with some companies simply rebranding plastic products as biodegradable and eco-friendly, or lying about their eco-credentials. 

Bioglitter™ Pure has biodegradability and cosmetic regulations certificates such as:

  • The ISO14851 and ISO14852 freshwater biodegradability test, which also prove that it is not ecotoxic to any form of aquatic life.

  • Verified Microplastic Free by ECHA.

  • FDA approved to use on lips; it is aluminum-free.

  • Compliant with global cosmetics and rinse-off legislations

    • China: Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics (2015)

    • European Cosmetic Regulation: 1223/2009

    • Industrial Chemicals Act 1998 and Cosmetic Standards 2001 (Australia)

    • Korean Cosmetic Products Act (KPCA, 2000)

All testing and certifications of the Bioglitter™ family products are done on the finished product, considering the biodegradability and environmental impact of both the cellulose core and the coatings used to give color and shine.

Don't Let The Glitter Lose Its Sparkle

Bioglitter™ truly is the crystalized effort of Ronald Britton Ltd to remain committed to delivering shine while minimizing environmental impact. It has been recognized by the iconic publication National Geographic as one of their four favorite innovations in January 2020's magazine publication.

So, to get on board the train of biodegradable glitter users, you don't have to go that far or make big sacrifices. To avoid being part of the microplastics problem, make a smart decision and always look for our Internationally Registered Trade Mark Logo to ensure it is GENUINE Bioglitter.

The idea is to arouse your green-conscious and start by verifying the labels of all your cosmetics and products to check if they contain any plastic-based materials. No one said that you have to give up glitter! You just have to use biodegradable glitter instead.