What Is a Good Emollient and Humectant? Jeechem DIA is a Great Option

What Is a Good Emollient and Humectant? Jeechem DIA is a Great Option

Emollients and humectants must be essential ingredients in your skincare routine, regardless of all the fancy beauty trends and countless skincare products advertised on Tik Tok and by influencers. 

Indeed, you might get a little bit lost in translation, but you must never forget the basics! After all, we are humans and mainly composed of water.

So, yes! Water is life; water is youth, so keep your emollients and humectants on the top shelf of your skincare products.

And a product that can fulfill this task with flying colors, is Jeechem DIA. It provides hydration and prevents water loss, so what else could you ask for?

Let's Talk About Humectants

The terms humectant, moisturizers and emollients are often misused and with disregard of their true meaning. However, they all work to keep your skin hydrated, supple and happy. 

After all, anyone, no matter their skin type (dry, oily or combination), can have dehydrated skin. Remember, it is not the same to have dry skin (a skin type) to have it dehydrated, meaning dull and with a feeling of tightness, devoid of water.

To put it simply, humectants bring instant hydration to your skin. They are capable of binding water to the skin quite easily. 

Humectants attract water from the air or the environment (aka humidity) right to the skin, or they can bring water from the depths of the skin right to the surface (not so good). For that reason, humectants do not perform so well in winter.

Great examples of humectants in skincare are glycerin and hyaluronic acid—also urea, ceramides and sugar alcohols. 

Why Are Emollients So Important?

Emollients are ingredients that keep the skin from drying out and help lock in moisture. 

However, more than creating a physical barrier on the skin to prevent water evaporation, they are known to rebuild the natural skin barrier function.

Our skin has a protective lipid barrier made up of natural oils. But, as we age, these natural lipids and moisturizing factors diminish, and the barrier gets compromised, giving way to acne-producing bacteria and wrinkles (not a pretty picture). 

Natural lipids are also stripped away by using aggressive makeup removers, harsh soaps, astringents, excessive facial washing, environmental factors, and UV exposure.

So, emollients are considered moisturizing ingredients that restore the skin barrier. They soothe and soften your skin, keeping it supple and decreasing inflammation. 

Emollient ingredients are present in easy-to-spread products like butter, lotions, balms and especially oils, which also show some occlusive properties, limiting water loss.

These ingredients can neutralize the damaging, drying effects of harsh soaps and alcohols used as cleansers. Also, they can prevent dehydrated skin, especially when using potent actives like Retinols, chemical exfoliators (AHA's and BHA's), or Vitamin C. 

The Importance of Emollients in Double Cleansers

Just like keeping your skin hydrated is essential, the cleansing step is the foundation of a good skincare routine. However, there is a delicate balance where washing too often or doing so with aggressive products is entirely counterproductive.

You should wash your face twice a day, mourning and night, with a gentle product specially formulated for your skin type. Also, you should follow a "double cleanse" at night time.

Not sure what that means? First, you use an OIL-BASED or balm cleanser to help remove makeup, sunscreen and oil-based residues. Then, you use a WATER-BASED cleanser to clean your pores thoroughly.

The "double cleanse" follows the principle that "oil removes oil", and water will remove any remaining non-oil-based dirt. It is supposed to be thorough yet gentle, so it is a tricky balance!

So, where do emollients come into play? Right when you use your oil-based cleanser. 

Since double washing your face could technically strip your skin from protective lipids, emollients clean but protect it from irritation and dehydration. They keep your lipid barrier nice and happy.

What Is DIPA, Aka Jeechem DIA?

Jeechem DIA is a star emollient product that contains diisopropyl adipate, aka DIPA, an ester of isopropyl alcohol plus adipic acid.  

This emollient will give your skin an instantly smooth and soft appearance. After application, it forms a non-greasy film on the skin's surface, limiting water evaporation. 

But, it doesn't stop there. Jeechem DIA also acts as a deep moisturizer, with a high and faster penetration but a light feeling. It is safe for all skin types, showing minimal irritation and no sensitization.

Additionally, its solvent properties allow it to be combined with synthetic compounds, acting as a carrier and softener for other cosmetic ingredients. 

Indeed, DIPA is an important ingredient of skin care products, accounting for nearly 0.28% of cosmetics, mainly sunscreens.

So, if you are looking for an emollient that performs well and exceeds expectations, choose Jeechem DIA. This product is the best option in the market to keep your skin hydrated and your lipid barrier in top conditions!

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