What Is Zinc Lactate?

What Is Zinc Lactate?

Zinc lactate is a multifunctional, green, efficient cosmetic ingredient that can give cosmetic products a self-preserving quality. After all, the skincare trend is shifting toward cleaner labels, sustainable products and shorter INCI lists, free of preservatives. So, welcome the new Cosphaderm® Zinc Lactate Natural, an eco-friendly ingredient bound to revolutionize the cosmetic industry.

Zinc lactate is a highly versatile ingredient thanks to the properties provided by its components, aka lactic acid and zinc. It shows bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, antioxidant, and anti-aging properties.

Indeed, Cosphaderm® Zinc Lactate Natural is a true multitasker and offers many skin benefits in one simple, eco-friendly COSMOS-approved substance. This guarantees that consumers purchase organic and natural ingredients produced under strict sustainability guidelines. 

So, as part of the Clean Skincare trend, zinc lactate is an ingredient that must be on your top shelf, right next to bakuchiol and ceramides. After all, it will give you a youthful complexion, free of acne and blemishes- among other bonus benefits you will find if you continue reading.

Zinc and Dermatology Applications

Zinc is an essential element present in many enzymes and proteins that rule our metabolism and even gene transcription. So, zinc is an ever-present micronutrient and cofactor in physiologic processes at all levels.

The skin contains nearly 6% of total body zinc and is second behind muscles and bones in zinc content. This element is key to maintaining skin homeostasis (equilibrium) and promotes cell proliferation and survival. 

When it comes to zinc´s involvement in skin disorders, this element directly impacts the skin barrier function. It reduces oxidative cellular stress and lipid peroxidation that may lead to DNA alterations. Also, zinc has significant bacteriostatic potential, preventing bacterial colonization. 

Indeed, zinc´s protection against UV radiation damage and its antioxidant, anti-proliferative, and anti-inflammatory properties are well-known. So, it is a regular addition to sunscreens, anti-acne medications, soothing agents and anti-dandruff shampoos. 

After all, zinc salts, such as zinc oxide or calamine, have been used topically for over 3000 years to facilitate wound healing.

Zinc has also found novel applications to reduce hyperpigmentation and treat vitiligo, psoriatic lesions, and the effacement of wrinkles. And the combined photoprotective and regenerative zinc properties could be effective in anti-aging formulations too.

Effects of Lactic Acid on the Skin

Lactic acid is an organic acid part of the famous Alpha-Hydroxy acids (AHAs) family. It usually comes with a hydroxyl group attached to the alpha carbon of the carboxyl group.

This naturally-occurring acid can be found in sour milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese. However, most AHAs used in cosmetic formulations are synthetically produced. 

Lactic acid is known for being a mild peeling or exfoliating agent that increases cell turnover and promotes skin renewal. It is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive ones.

It helps remove dead, superficial skin cells on the top layer of the epidermis. So, this AHA is beneficial for treating scars, acne, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, dark spots, and roughness.

Not only can lactic acid give you a radiant complexion and get rid of dullness, but it can also help thicken the skin and smooth fine lines and wrinkles by increasing the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and stimulating collagen production. 

One additional benefit you get from lactic acid- which you won’t get from other AHAs- is an instant moisturizing effect. 

Indeed, lactic acid is part of the skin’s natural moisturizing factors and can even increase the ceramide content in the stratum corneum, strengthening the skin barrier and preventing water loss.

So, lactic acid has a dual effect as an exfoliator and moisturizing agent! But, there are also important photoprotective and anti-inflammatory properties that must not be overlooked.

Cosphaderm® Zinc Lactate Natural: A Multifunctional Ingredient

Cosphaderm® Zinc Lactate Natural is a zinc salt derived from lactic acid. It is zinc lactate presented as a white, water-soluble, and odorless powder that can be easily included in personal care formulations such as deodorants, intimate care products and skincare creams.

Cosphaderm® Zinc Lactate Natural shows important anti-aging and moisturizing activity essential to strengthen the skin barrier and maintain a youthful complexion free of fine lines and wrinkles.

Indeed, Cosphaderm® Zinc Lactate Natural offers the benefits of zinc and lactic acid in one product! It has excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that, paired with antimicrobial potential, help treat acne and wound healing.

A possible mechanism for zinc lactate´s antimicrobial effect is the inhibition of the acne-causing bacteria (P acnes) lipase by zinc. 

So, Cosphaderm® Zinc Lactate Natural helps treat acne by directly impacting the microbial-inflammatory skin equilibrium plus a possible anti-androgenic activity with reduced sebum delivery.

Additionally, zinc lactate applications are not only limited to the skincare industry. This ingredient has found a niche in oral care products thanks to its aforementioned antimicrobial efficacy and neutral taste. 

Indeed, zinc lactate in mouthwashes and toothpaste can prevent gingivitis and diminish halitosis or unpleasant odors in your breath secondary to fragrant volatile compounds produced by bacteria. 

Bio-Based Preservation using Zinc Lactate: A Novel Approach

The multifunctional activity of Cosphaderm® Zinc Lactate Natural can be helpful in self-preserving formulations.

Indeed, the solid antimicrobial efficacy of zinc lactate against a broad spectrum of relevant microorganisms (bacteria, yeast and mold) can shield formulations against spoilage without the need for synthetic preservatives.

Then, Cosphaderm® Zinc Lactate Natural is bound to become the working horse of Bio-Based Preservation. This new concept aims for sustainable and simpler yet effective formulations free of conventional preservatives like parabens. 

Hence, Cosphaderm® Zinc Lactate Natural not only offers great performance due to the main benefits of zinc lactate. It also guarantees the shelf-life, safety, and stability of cosmetic formulations thanks to its proven strong antimicrobial activity demonstrated in Challenge Tests.

With Cosphaderm® Zinc Lactate Natural, you benefit from combining zinc and lactic acid in one product. It shows essential antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, paired with an unparalleled antimicrobial activity that is key for self-preserving formulations. 

Indeed, Cosphaderm® Zinc Lactate Natural is kicking off a new era where INCI labels are simple, ingredients are greener and self-sufficient, with excellent performance!

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