Why is Kisolite® BMP the Most Effective Mineral Powder in the market?

Why is Kisolite® BMP the Most Effective Mineral Powder in the market?

Mineral powders are very popular nowadays, with the current interest in safe, natural ingredients. They can improve THE  skin microbiome, and some even have antibacterial properties. they have many benefits beyond a soft touch or great coverage when applying a foundation.

As the demand for eco-friendly, additive-free cosmetics and skincare continues to rise, companies are revisiting their formulations and focusing on simplicity and natural ingredients.

After all, clay and mineral powders have been around for a while, and their benefits are widely known, with scientific research backing them up. Now is the perfect time to rediscover these advantages with Kisolite® BMP. This mineral-rich clay powder is a multifunctional ingredient.

What Are Mineral Powders?

Minerals powders come from natural crystalline earthy substances of small particle size (less than 2μm), such as zinc oxide, iron oxides, talc, mica, and titanium dioxide. These materials are ground, milled, or micronized into even tinier particles to create fine light-air mineral powders.

Strictly speaking, mineral powders are naturally occurring chemicals, inorganic, even though they come from the earth. They contain essential minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, sodium, and hydrated aluminum silicates that form superimposed alternating layers.

Besides being natural, the good thing about mineral powders is that they do not contain irritating ingredients such as emollients, waxes, oils, and fragrances often found in conventional skincare or cosmetic formulations. Mineral powders are usually preservative-free and may contain gentle, soothing, and no-pore-clogging ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

History Behind Mineral Powders

Mineral powders are well-known in the cosmetic and skincare industry. The medicinal and cosmetic uses of clay, for example, date back to prehistoric times. There are records of mud and ocher clay mixed with water used in medicinal practices for wound healing, skin cleansing, and even suppression of bleeding.

Cleopatra of Egypt was known for her beauty rituals, one of which included the application of Dead Sea black mud on her facial skin. This was not only for aesthetic purposes but also for its anti-aging benefits. Another beauty secret of hers was the use of kohl as an eyeliner, which was one of the earliest forms of mineral makeup used by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.

Kohl was made by grinding up stibnite or galena, also known as lead sulfide. It was used for cosmetic and religious purposes, although it also had important antibacterial properties, preventing eye infections.

The Benefits of Mineral Powders

Each mineral and natural powder has a unique therapeutic function and cosmetic use, such as:

  • Improving wound healing and vascularization: These powders promote tissue regeneration by stimulating collagen and elastin production, enhancing blood flow to deliver essential nutrients and oxygen to the skin, and supporting the formation of new blood vessels for overall skin health and resilience.

  • Lightening the skin and enhancing sebum absorption: Mineral powders contain natural lightening agents that reduce pigmentation and even out skin tone. They regulate sebum production by absorbing excess oil, preventing clogged pores, and reducing acne breakouts for a clearer complexion.

  • Acting as an antiseptic, boosting moisture, and aiding detoxification: Possessing antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, these powders prevent skin infections while attracting and retaining moisture to keep the skin hydrated. They also draw out toxins and impurities, leaving the skin purified and rejuvenated.

Thus, mineral powders are present in many products, including:

  • Facial creams and sunscreens: Providing broad-spectrum UV protection, these powders nourish the skin with essential minerals, enhance the texture and consistency of creams and sunscreens, and make application more pleasant.

  • Cleansers and shampoos: Offering deep cleansing action, these powders remove dirt, oil, and impurities without stripping natural moisture. They support scalp health by preventing dandruff and irritation and improve hair manageability and shine.

  • Facial masks and makeup products: Enhancing the texture and performance of products like foundations, lipsticks, and eye shadows, these powders improve makeup application and longevity while providing additional skin benefits like mattifying, smoothing, and softening.

Also, mineral powders may contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. The FDA has approved these ingredients as a skin protectant and sunscreen, respectively.

What Is Kisolite® BMP?

Coast SouthwestTM, a leader in new ingredients technology, introduces Kisolite® BMP Biogenic Mineral Powder, a highly versatile mineral-rich clay powder of natural origin. Kisolite® BMP Biogenic Mineral Powder is a pure colloidal glacial clay that is extracted from the so-called Kisameet Bay Clay Deposit.

Said to have formed during the last Ice Age, this pristine clay deposit resulted from the combination of volcanic ash, pure glacial water, and numerous micro- and macro-minerals poured into a deep granite basin. Over time, this mineral-rich deposit settled and remained hydrated by freshwater, turning into the perfect home for many species of bacteria that played an essential role in the clay's transformation through a biomineralization process.

Nowadays, the coastal flora and a thick rainforest moss surround and cover the 400,000-ton Kisameet Bay deposit, shielding it from contaminants and industrial waste. The Heiltsuk First Nations people have recognized the magical clay's healing properties through many generations since it was deposited in their territory.

They first used this fine, pale-green clay approximately 10,000 years ago to treat stomach disease, diabetes, burns, ulcers, arthritis, and skin irritations. Also, they used to roll the clay up, forming tiny pellets, and people would eat them daily as vitamins. Currently, dermatological research is testing Kisolite® BMP Biogenic Mineral Powder's ability to treat skin disorders from acne and athlete's foot to psoriasis and eczema.

Kisolite® BMP: The Science Behind The Legend

This rare green clay found beneath the Kisameet Bay moss is unique among other clays due to its nanoparticle size, colloidal properties, mineral content, cation exchange capacity, and antibacterial potential. Kisolite® BMP can outperform other mineral powders. It has been shown to improve the hydration, oxygenation, and regeneration of epithelial cells.

The unique physical features of Kisolite® BMP strengthen the skin's natural barrier while maintaining pH balance. On a molecular level, Kisolite® BMP can draw out positively charged molecules, hydrating the skin from within and drawing subdermal moisture and oils to the surface while delivering natural minerals. 

  • Strengthens the skin's natural barrier: Kisolite® BMP fortifies the skin, maintaining its integrity and defense against environmental stressors.

  • Maintains pH balance: This natural ingredient helps keep the skin's pH at optimal levels, promoting a healthy and balanced complexion.

  • Detoxifies and hydrates: Kisolite® BMP draws out positively charged toxins while delivering essential minerals and moisture, ensuring deep hydration and purification.

This property also explains Kisolite's strong natural detoxifying properties, pulling positively charged toxins from deep below the dermal layer. Kisolite® BMP is a multifunctional ingredient that can be used for countless applications and topical skincare formulations, including face masks, creams, lotions, lip balms, salves, shampoos, and more.

Early research points out possible Kisolite's antibacterial potential against multidrug-resistant opportunistic pathogens. Its dermatological and medical applications prove that indigenous historical science has been on the right track since the beginning.

The Takeaway

Kisolite® BMP adheres to the increasingly popular clean label, offering high functionality, visible results, and ease of use for cosmetic and skincare formulators and chemists. The catalog of beauty products featuring our mineral-rich clay powder is quite extensive. It includes bath bombs, facial cleansers, lip balms, and facial masks. Coast SouthwestTM's resourceful team can help improve your products using this extraordinary ingredient. Their expertise and extensive ingredient portfolio can help you formulate innovative and breakthrough products.

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